A woman escaped a new cinder block ‘ dungeon ’ in Oregon, police say. The FBI believes there are more victims in other countries: The FBI believes she may be searching for other victims in different countries. According to a press release from the FBI Portland Field Office, a person named Negasi Juberi, 29 times old, was taken into civil guardianship on dubitation

of hijacking and involvement in sexual assault after fleeing from the home of a woman in Seattle to his hearthstone in Klamath Falls, Oregon, where he’d erected an extemporized” blacksite” using cinder blocks and a essence door.
The woman also reported that she had been sexually assaulted. The FBI revealed that Juberi, who has lived in at least 10 countries since 2016, is connected to violent attacks in at least four countries.
Investigators believe that there may be other victims as well. Documents filed in court on Wednesday indicate that Juberi was charged in a civil grand jury charge in Oregon for hijacking and transportation with intent to engage in felonious sexual exertion.
On July 15, according to the sworn statement reviewed by CNN, while driving, the woman noticed a mapping operation on the suspicious cell phone, indicating they were about 2 hours and 4 twinkles down from the destined destination.
The statement claims,” At that time, the woman knew that Juberi wasn’t a police officer and that she was being abducted.” Upon reaching her home, she was placed in a new” cell” that Juberi had created in his garage, made of cinder blocks and a essence door, which was locked from the outside.
The press release stated that she was ultimately suitable to break free from the quadrangle after constantly pounding on the door. According to the police, “The woman said she knew that Juberi would kill her if she stayed in the room.”
Victim started banging on the safety screen door. The victim was suitable to break the welds on the screen door and pull down the essence screen material. She also fled through a small opening in the door.”
The FBI stated that the woman stopped a passing automobilist to call 911. According to the Klamath Falls Police, she was taken to a near sanitarium where investigators responded to a report of a sexual assault victim.”